You'll have a new line on communications and travel

No matter how much you hear, you may not be able to get the message

Travel, study or legal matters will feature in discussion. A little quiet (or perhaps not so quiet) time with your loved one will be just the thing. It's a 'closed doors' meeting and anything goes once proceedings are underway. You'll be looking to risk some money or rein in your spending. Pay attention to your creative or inner life and set new goals in place in your search for satisfaction. Overall, it's a busy time but none of the arrangements will quite work out or fit together. Friday night's the perfect time for a gathering or a team effort of some kind. Fridays will be a surprise package! You might feel you need to take control or push things along but it'll be easier to simply watch what unfolds and let fortune take a hand. Make some rules, stick to them and don't transgress just because an impulse takes you. By the midweek, your mood will improve and you'll be on a culinary mission, enjoying time with people close. Food and friends will be the perfect combination for the weekend, especially if there's intelligent converse to be had, or a bit of lively debate. It's busy weekends and there'll be people and communications aplenty to deal with. Give in to it.

On the weekend, what's your favourite culinary delight? Treat yourself

Let off steam with tasty boudoir fantasies, especially those involving uniforms or enticing instruments (if you're that way inclined). Make it hot and steamy with your loved one as the weeks begin. Work issues the clarion call, midweek. Things may be frustrating or uncertain at times but you can negotiate a peace or set up a deal that will let you draw sustenance or satisfaction from what you do. Secrets, revelations, inspiration or an unexpected twist will feature on fridays. Work or health may need a different application or approach. There's a marvellous new concept called a 'budget'. You may deal with those in authority. There may be tension with a family member. An old situation may return. There may be a dividend or a cost. Don't fight fate, just let things work out as they will.

It's fiery food and indulgence first up, then Wednesday urges a brush and polish

Someone close may be caught out or surprised. Health issues may feature. Enjoy favourite foods. Travel, study or the expanded horizon will be on offer, so seize the day. Work or responsibility will rear its ugly head as friday comes but you'll power through what needs to be done. Lifestyle is in for a lift, as long as it doesn't cost too much. It's time for a bout of unbridled passion in the boudoir, unless you like to 'kit up', in which case a bridle could be just the ticket. Avoid the 'impulse' spend or buy and focus on what you really want. You may need to do extra talking or planning for the family finances. With the Joy next months, that's where the focus falls. Put smaller concerns aside. Backward equals unhappy player unless patience is the virtue. A break may be on the cards. Sort out what you need to do to look after yourself.

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