For the moment though, sweep your loved one off on a romantic adventure at the start

Shaking up travel, communications and dealings with associates, siblings or neighbours

There'll be friends and good developments as the weeks begin but you'll still have a test to face. There may be a passionate encounter with your loved one. Don't be tempted by anything untoward and don't chuck the toys if you're feisty. There'll be a windfall or a change with money at midweek so there'll be plenty to talk about or plans to make. The current influences won't favour matters of love or money. Opening the wider horizon for you to study. Career dealings or professional matters come into focus, midweek. Just make it clear. The midweek will bring friends into the frame. It's a party weekend. Negotiations will feature.

Are you in a kind of fog or facing resistance to your desires?

Monday will be more about others than it will be about you. To get what you want, you'll have to hammer things out with difficult or uncooperative people. Keep up with a strenuous diet of responses and don't lose your way. There'll be a lot of weird or mysterious stuff going on with people around you but at least you can have a tidy house while you try to figure it out. There may be a resolution with a legal matter or you may see a wider view of the world again. Just pick your way through the issues and do your best. It's complex in the midweek and you'll get swept up in the excitement if you're not careful. The week has a classic wave motion, as it starts on a high of change, goes into a trough of reflection in the midweek then brings you out, bright and bouncy on the weekend. Poor communications or lack of organisation will be at the root of any problems but don�t try too hard just yet to kick it all into line. As the weeks turn, put something special and spicy on the menu, tickling the tastebuds and filling the air with worldly converse and a joke or two. High emotion will come with friday's sunset. Get to work on the budget at the weekend. You may head 'up market' or for a swanky evening out.

It could even be you

Don't push too hard against the odds. Be inventive in the boudoir. Try a dinner with friends to start these weeks but settle back and enjoy a quiet time after that. Devote the start of play to your loved one then head to the boudoir for a bit of steamy stuff, midweek. In the weeks to come, social occasions or a celebration will feature. Take it in but let it roll. You may deal with intense or high-powered people. There's the business of money to discuss and a decision or a change of plan is looming. If you're going to do something that carries a financial risk, talk it through on the weekend. You may change your plans at the drop of a hat. The best place to play and enjoy is at home with your loved one on the weekends. Wait for things to clear. Eat well! Exercise! Get the little jobs done.

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